It made sense to combine my Monday update with my Bout of Books one as they will pretty much be the same. Except that the BoB one will include excuses…

Bout of Books

IMWAYR is hosted by Sheila @ Book Journey and is a little round-up of the week for bloggers that read.

So lets have a little look at those Bout of Books goals I set a week ago:

Spend more time reading and less time looking at pointless stuff online.
I think I was worse this week than normal! Being online to be socialable meant more opportunities to be distracted by things like baby sloths and animated books. Plus there was that whole apostrophe drama going on.

Make some new bookish friends.
OK I think I succeeded in this one, I have befriended a few people from our fun Twitter chat although I think it was dominated by the usual Twitter loudmouths (myself included) that I already knew.

Get ahead on my year’s reading target.
I didn’t get ahead but I don’t think I’ve slipped behind too much. I thought I would have finished Divergent quicker but I got all annoyed with it and then, despite being short with a large font, SPoLaFS took longer than expected. I won’t rely on young adult books to get me through next time, I seem to be quite fussy with the ones I enjoy. For that reason I skipped Wither, which I’d said I would read, but I’m sure I’ll pick it up at a later date.

Have fun!
At least I had others to share my reading failures with. It was fun seeing how we were all suffering from the readathon effect! I would have liked to have had more time for challenges as I only managed the one.

Books I’ve read:

Divergent by Veronica Roth 2/5
The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith 3/5
Something Rotten by Jasper Fforde 4/5

Currently reading:

The House of Silk by Anthony Horowitz

I also blogged about:

Bout of Books: TBR Pile | Bout of Books: Day One | Bout of Books: Day Two | Bout of Books: Day Three | The World According to Twitter | Bout of Books: Day Four | Bout of Books: Day Five | Twitter Giveaway | Bout of Books: Day Six | Incoming! | Books of the Rainbow | Bout of Books: Day Seven

Upcoming reads:

Before I go to Sleep by SJ Watson