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2012 Sci-Fi Challenge

Want to challenge yourself to read outside your comfort zone in 2012?
Like science fiction but tend to put off reading it?
Are you a total geek but never really take the time to read?

If you answered yes to any of the above, sign up for my 2012 reading challenge now! The idea is to read one sci-fi book each month however we all have different reading speeds so set yourself a number that you feel comfortable with.

What books count as sci-fi?

There’s more to science fiction than aliens and spaceships. The dictionary definition is: fiction dealing principally with the impact of actual or imagined science on society or individuals or having a scientific factor as an essential orienting component. So that includes dystopias, zombie viruses, genetic engineering gone awry, time travel, steampunk, extreme weather, space exploration and, of course, aliens.

Not a book blogger?

That’s OK. As long as you are willing to write some words about the book on a publicly accessible site (eg. Goodreads, personal blog) you can join in. If you’re not sure where you’ll be posting you can sign up with a social network account.

Monthly giveaways!

Yes, each book you read will get you an entry into some great giveaways throughout the year.

Don’t know where to start?

I’ll be choosing a featured book each month as an optional readalong. If you’d like to treat it as a book group, we can arrange discussions too.

Add yourself to the Mr Linky list to sign up. New link-ups will be posted at the end of each month for you to share the books you’ve read.

Thanks to Mike for the Stormtrooper photo, you can add this to your blog with the code below (feel free to change the size to fit, maximum width = 400). This is not mandatory but I would appreciate it if you publicise your participation in some way!

<a href=””><img src=”” width=”200″ height=”200″></a>

January (giveaway closed)
February (giveaway closed)