Quarterly Book Stats
I’m a bit late with my quarterly stats, mostly because I’ve not been doing a great job on keeping my spreadsheets up to date. These stats are for April to June 2018 and don’t include anything I’ve read or acquired…
Summer #Readathon Wrap-Up
Hours spent reading: 18 Total pages: 1487 Books finished: 5 My page count is probably a bit off because My Lady’s Choosing is a choose your own adventure style book and I read two different paths but obviously not every…
#readathon hour 14
Local time: 14:00 Hours spent reading: 7 Pages read since last update: 360 Total pages: 459 Books finished: 2 Currently reading: Run, Riot by Nikesh Shukla Books read: Record of a Spaceborn Few by Becky Chambers and Angelic: Heirs &…
It’s summer #readathon time!
Local start time: 01:00 Actual time I got my arse out of bed: 08:30 Hours spent reading: 2 Total pages: 99 Books read: 0 Currently reading: Record of a Spaceborn Few by Becky Chambers I’ve had a leisurely start to…
Tarnished City
In Gilded Cage, Vic James created an alternate Britain ruled by a magical elite, who use the Unskilled as slaves, portraying a broken political system and class divides. Check out my interview with her if you haven’t started the series…
There There
There There follows twelve Native Americans in the days running up to the Oakland powwow, exploring the identity of a people whose home is just not there any more. Dene plans to film the stories of Natives at the powwow,…
Summer Readathon is Coming!
Have you heard the news? Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon is making a special summer appearance and the start times are reversed! This means in the UK, it will run from 1am on Saturday 28th July to 1am on Sunday 29th…
I must have bypassed Scythe when it came out, because I’d become a bit phased by young adult dystopia, but then I saw Hanna @ Booking in Heels loved it. She’s a tough critic. Turns out it’s set in a…
Hope Never Dies
Did you say Obama and Biden crime mystery? Sign me up! Hope Never Dies is pure fan fiction, following a retired Joe Biden as he comes to grips with life after vice presidency. It’s been over six months since he…
Spinning Silver
It completely passed me by that Naomi Novik’s Uprooted was based on Beauty and the Beast, but Spinning Silver is clearly inspired by Rumpelstiltskin, yet also so much more. Miryem is the moneylender’s daughter, her father being far too nice…