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Month: September 2016

Young Adult

The Graces

Everyone said the Graces were witches. River keeps to herself at her new school, biding her time until she can befriend them. The Graces are the perfect family and they never keep friends for long. Everyone wants their chance but…

Science Fiction

The Beauty

The fungus claimed the women. All of them. The men and boys left behind must live their lives with the knowledge they will be the last. Little do they know what lies in the woods, what grows in the graves…

5 Star, Young Adult


Ben, Dean, Millie, Zara. Me – Alix. Five friends, five years… it feels like a lifetime. Once they were five, now they are four. Alix has drifted apart from her friends ever since Millie’s death, she was the glue that…

Books In


OMG, so many books. Where are they all coming from?! I didn’t do an incoming post in August and admittedly this is 6 weeks worth but it doesn’t include the bookshop crawl and Illumicrate books that I did actually blog…