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Month: March 2014

Books In


AKA Showcase Sunday OK, it’s not Sunday. I’m blaming daylight saving for stealing my blogging hour. I did go into The Crooked Book on Sunday and bought two John Wyndhams. There was an old man sitting at the counter who…

Young Adult


Goose is the sequel to Paper Aeroplanes and therefore this review may contain spoilers for the previous book. “Geese fall in love, like humans do. They find the One and stay with them forever. Isn’t that sweet?” “That doesn’t mean…


The Boy in the Smoke

The Boy in the Smoke is a novella prequel to the Shades of London series, originally published for World Book Day. Unlike a lot of series novellas, this one isn’t just a bit of fluff and stands up on its…

Science Fiction, Young Adult

Echo Boy

Audrey’s father is an activist against the extreme progress of technology. She encouraged to read books and appreciate art. But he wants the best life for his daughter so he gets an Echo, Enhanced Computerized Humanoid Organism, to tutor her….

Books In


AKA Showcase Sunday It’s glorious weather here at the moment. Have actually been sat on the beach in shorts and vest top today. This is reward for putting up with all that stormy weather over winter, I’m sure. Where have…


Bird Box

The first incident was in Russia. Most people ignored it, but all too soon it was on their doorsteps. The internet died. The television broadcasts slowly dwindled. The only way to stay safe? Don’t open your eyes. Don’t look outside……


Orange is the New Black

10 years after her offence for smuggling a suitcase of drug money across borders, Piper Kerman starts her 15 month sentence at a minimum security women’s prison. She was not the sort of woman anyone expected to be there. This…