Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week’s topic is “May Flowers”. I’m a total sucker for a good botanical cover, in any genre, but since this month is all about Wyrd and Wonder, I’ve kept this list to fantasy books only. If you enjoy looking at nature inspired art, do check out all the illustrators’ websites.


Gorse by Sam K. Horton

Gorse is such a familiar sight to me, there’s a lot of it round here and it flowers all year round. It’s pretty and spiky; I don’t know why it’s not used more in covers! Illustration by Veronica Park.


Foxglove by Adalyn Grace

I’ve yet to read Belladonna (the first in the trilogy) but I am absolutely in love with Adalyn Grace’s covers, and they all have flower titles. Illustration by Teagan White.

emilys wilde's maps of the otherlands

Emily Wilde’s Map of the Otherworlds by Heather Fawcett

Both the UK covers for this series are super pretty and have botanical drawing vibes. Illustration by Bex Parkin.

When Women Were Dragons by Kelly Barnhill

When Women Were Dragons by Kelly Barnhill

I loved this book and the cover is so well done, you barely see the dragon at first, which is very fitting. Illustration by Charlotte Day.

a botanical daughter

A Botanical Daughter by Noah Medlock

OK, I think this one is more horror than fantasy, but I love the cover so much I’m including it. Cover design by Julia Lloyd @ Titan Books.

the whispering dark

The Whispering Dark by Kelly Andrew

Oh look a pretty flower… Argh! It has skulls staring out of the petals. I love the subtle creepy vibes. Illustration by Sasha Vinogradova.

daughter of the moon goddess

Daughter of the Goddess Moon by Sue Lyn Tan

I think they’re peonies? I just think it’s super pretty and I love the swallows swooping past the moon. Illustration by Jason Chuang.

a witch's guide to fake dating a demon

A Witch’s Guide to Fake Dating a Demon by Sarah Hawley

Often books have flowers on the cover for no reason other than looking pretty, but plants are central to this witchy rom com. The cover is super cute and relevant. Illustration by Dawn Cooper.


Threadneedle by Cari Thomas

The thing I like about this cover is that it looks exactly like embroidered fabric. Illustration by Andrew Davis.

the honeys

The Honeys by Ryan La Sala

I mostly like the melty, repeating title, but it’s definitely floral too. I couldn’t find the cover designer info so I’m going to guess it was in-house.