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Tag: popsugar 2018

Historical Fiction

Burial Rites

Sentenced to death for her involvement in the deaths of two men, Agnes is sent to stay at a remote farm, living and working with the family there. At first they are skeptical about housing a murderess, but as Agnes…


What the Dog Knows

Cat Warren’s German Shepherd Solo was a singleton, the sole puppy in his litter. He’s just not going to have the same social skills as a pup from a larger litter so she decides he needs work to do. So…


Hidden Figures

The Popsugar challenge wanted me to read a book of a film I’ve already seen and Hidden Figures ended up to be a great choice because it has so much more scope than the film it inspired. If for some…


Assassin’s Apprentice

Fitz is the illegitimate son of Prince Chivalry, in a land where royalty are named for the qualities they will possess. A bastard can be a liability and Chivalry abdicates his position as king-in-waiting, but not to care for his…


Other Minds

Peter Godfrey-Smith is an Australian philosopher and diving enthusiast, with particular interest in cephalopods, which goes someway to explaining this book. I did find it quite hard to absorb and switched to an audiobook part way through. I possibly missed…

Science Fiction


I lost an arm on my last trip home. My left arm. Each time Rufus puts his life at risk, Dana is sucked back through time to save him. The trouble is, Rufus is the son of a slave-owner in…

General Fiction

You Will Know Me

I’ve been meaning to try Megan Abbott’s books for years and finally the Popsugar challenge gave me a push to pick one up. Devon Knox is a rising gymnast star, introduced to the sport when she lost two toes to…


Quickie Reviews

It’s that time again to round up all the books I’ve read but not reviewed. These are a mix of readathon reads and books I picked up for challenges and didn’t feel compelled to write full reviews for. Links go…

5 Star, Non-Fiction


In Inferior, Angela Saini looks at the bias at work in science, specifically when it comes to studies in sex difference. From Darwin’s frankly appalling (but of his time) attitude to women to modern day studies, Saini looks at their…