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Month: September 2017

Crime Fiction

Genuine Fraud

Genuine Fraud is so Lockhart. I suppose it’s a psychological thriller, something I tend to steer clear of these days but I gave it a go because I just love Lockhart’s writing style. It does also manage to avoid some…

Young Adult

Far From You

Far From You follows Sophie who has become addicted to prescription medication following a car crash that left her in constant pain. Her life is wrapped up with Mina and Trev, brother and sister, the two people she loves most…

List, Top Ten

Top Ten: Autumn TBR

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. I am pretty dreadful at sticking to TBR lists so this is really ten recent or forthcoming releases I have some hope of reading by the end of this…


Tower of Dawn

Tower of Dawn is part of the Throne of Glass series and therefore this review may contain spoilers for the previous books. When I first heard that Sarah J Maas was writing a book just about Chaol I was pretty…


Akata Witch

There is a lot to love about Akata Witch so it was a bit frustrating that the story didn’t get going until really half way through. Sunny discovers she is a Leopard Person later than most of her kind do….


Quest Complete!

Hosted by Read at Midnight, character art by CW @ Read, Think, Ponder. Last month I signed up for The Reading Quest and I had high hopes of doing more than one quest. Hah! Well today is the last day…

5 Star, Non-Fiction

The Radium Girls

After radium was discovered by the Curies in 1898, it was considered a wonder chemical, curing cancer, glowing in the dark and invigorating the health of those who imbibed it. As we know today, radium is radioactive and incredibly dangerous….

the fifth season
5 Star, Fantasy

The Fifth Season

The Fifth Season is the best fantasy I’ve read in a long time, it’s just outstanding. If you’re interested in geology and seismic activity as well as epic fantasy, this is the series for you! I had only really heard…