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Month: February 2015


Smiler’s Fair

Some say you only get one chance to visit Smiler’s Fair. When first death comes, the fair moves on, its buildings drawn around the land by mammoths. As the fair nears a small goat-herding settlement, one of the herders is…

Books In


AKA Showcase Sunday So a couple of weeks ago I got a giant box of Penguin Crime, which was a bit exciting to unpack but in reality I am hardly reading crime fiction these days. If anyone particularly wants any…

Fantasy, Young Adult

The Winner’s Crime

The Winner’s Crime is the sequel to The Winner’s Curse and therefore this review may contain spoilers for the previous book. The treaty has been signed, sealed with Kestrel’s engagement to the emperor’s son. Herrani is freed and the Valorians…


Chocolate Wars

Chocolate started out as a humble drink, sold by Quaker businesses as an alternative to the alcohol destroying so many lives. The 19th century saw their quest to improve their products and fend off bankruptcy. Little did they know quite…

5 Star, Non-Fiction

Do No Harm

Every operation on the brain comes with great risks. The delicate organ inside our skulls holds our very selves, but one wrong cut can end in devastating results. We put a lot of faith in the doctors who wield the…


The Fire Sermon

When Zach and I were born our parents must have counted and recounted: limbs, fingers, toes. We were perfect. They would have been disbelieving: nobody dodged the split between Alpha and Omega. After the blast it, something changed. Now each…


The Shadow Cabinet

The Shadow Cabinet in the third book in the Shades of London series and therefore this review may contain spoilers for the previous books. Instead you can read my review of the first book, The Name of the Star. Rory…

Young Adult

The Death House

They say it makes your eyes bleed. I think there’s been a mistake. Toby wasn’t worried about the blood test, it’s just routine. Then one day a van turns up at his home, a van that takes him away to…

Books In


AKA Showcase Sunday We went for a little book shopping session in Ringwood yesterday as Josh had decided he wanted to read High-Rise by JG Ballard after seeing a documentary. Of course, it had to be out of print, lots…