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Month: January 2012

Crime Fiction


Sonia lives on the edge of the river Thames in Greenwich. Her husband works away and her daughter has flown the nest. When fifteen year old Jez, a nephew of one of her few friends, comes round to borrow a…

Books In


AKA In My Mailbox Only one paper book this week, I was doing so well until I discovered The Lewis Man in Tesco for a fiver. As I bought The Black House as a direct result of wanting to read…


New Imprints

Last year it seemed all the naysayers were predicting the demise of the publishing industry in the face of digitisation. However, from where I’m sitting, they industry looks healthy with lots of new imprints popping up all over the place….

Fantasy, Young Adult

The Goddess Test

Henry (previously known as Hades) has released Persephone from their marriage and he has been left alone to rule the Underworld. However it’s too much for him to handle by himself and he is given 100 years to find a…

Crime Fiction, Translation


Last year I read The Bomber as part of the Transworld Book Club and whilst I had reservations, I said I’d give Annika, the main character, a second chance. I took the offer of a review copy of Vanished as…