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Tag: aimee carter

Young Adult


Yesterday, Kitty wouldn’t face the consequences of stealing an orange. But today is Kitty’s seventeenth, today she could be killed for that theft. She has just been tested, she is a III. She was hoping for a IV but now…

Fantasy, Young Adult

The Goddess Inheritance

The Goddess Inheritance is the final book in the Goddess Chronicles and therefore this review will contain spoilers for the previous books; The Goddess Test, The Goddess Hunt, Goddess Interrupted and The Goddess Legacy. Nine months have passed since Kate…

Young Adult

The Goddess Hunt

The Goddess Hunt is an ebook only novella set between The Goddess Test and Goddess Interrupted. If you haven’t read the first book in the series, this review may contain spoilers. Kate is off on her summer “holiday” with James,…

Young Adult

Goddess Interrupted

Goddess Interrupted is the sequel to The Goddess Test and therefore this review will contain spoilers for the previous book. There is also a short story, The Goddess Hunt which takes place between the two. Kate returns from her summer…

Fantasy, Young Adult

The Goddess Test

Henry (previously known as Hades) has released Persephone from their marriage and he has been left alone to rule the Underworld. However it’s too much for him to handle by himself and he is given 100 years to find a…