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2020 Challenges

Around the Year in 52 Books – 20/52

1. A book with a title that doesn’t contain the letters A, T or Y: Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo
2. A book by an author whose last name is one syllable: The Places I’ve Cried in Public by Holly Bourne
3. A book that you are prompted to read because of something you read in 2019: Before Mars by Emma Newman
4. A book set in a place or time that you wouldn’t want to live: The Last Day by Andrew Hunter Murray
5. The first book in a series that you have not started: The Calculating Stars by Mary Robinette Kowal
6. A book with a mode of transportation on the cover: Enchantee by Gita Trelease
7. A book set in the southern hemisphere: The Burning Land by George Alagiah
8. A book with a two-word title where the first word is “The”: The Foundling by Stacey Halls
9. A book that can be read in a day: Heartstopper Volume 3 by Alice Oseman
10. A book that is between 400-600 pages: Deathless Divide by Justina Ireland
11. A book originally published in a year that is a prime number: Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler
12. A book that is a collaboration between 2 or more people: Monstress, Vol. 4: The Chosen by Marjorie Liu + Sana Takeda
13. A prompt from a previous Around the Year in 52 Books challenge: The Secrets We Kept by Lara Prescott
14. A book by an author on the Abe List of 100 Essential Female Writers
15. A book set in a global city: Kim Ji-young, Born 1982 by Cho Nam-Joo
16. A book set in a rural or sparsely populated area: Black River by Will Dean
17. A book with a neurodiverse character
18. A book by an author you’ve only read once before: The Switch by Beth O’Leary
19. A fantasy book
20. The 20th book [on your TBR, in a series, by an author, on a list, etc.]
21. A book related to Maximilian Hell, the noted astronomer and Jesuit Priest who was born in 1720
22. A book with the major theme of survival: The Book of Koli by M.R. Carey
23. A book featuring an LGBTQIA+ character or by an LGBTQIA+ author
24. A book with an emotion in the title
25. A book related to the arts
26. A book from the 2019 Goodreads Choice Awards: Middlegame by Seanan McGuire
27. A history or historical fiction
28. A book by an Australian, Canadian or New Zealand author: City of the Lost by Kelley Armstrong
29. An underrated book, a hidden gem or a lesser known book
30. A book from the New York Times ‘100 Notable Books’ list for any year
31. A book inspired by a leading news story
32. A book related to the 2020 Olympic Summer Games in Japan
33. A book about a non-traditional family
34. A book from a genre or sub genre that starts with a letter in your name
35. A book with a geometric pattern or element on the cover
36. A book from your TBR/wishlist that you don’t recognize, recall putting there, or put there on a whim
37. Two books that are related to each other as a pair of binary opposites: Book
38. Two books that are related to each other as a pair of binary opposites: Book #2
39. A book by an author whose real name(s) you’re not quite sure how to pronounce
40. A book with a place name in the title
41. A mystery
42. A book that was nominated for one of the ‘10 Most Coveted Literary Prizes in the World’ (link)
43. A book related to one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse
44. A book related to witches
45. A book by the same author who wrote one of your best reads in 2019 or 2018: Atlas Alone by Emma Newman
46. A book about an event or era in history taken from the Billy Joel song “We Didn’t Start the Fire”
47. A classic book you’ve always meant to read
48. A book published in 2020
49. A book that fits a prompt from the list of suggestions that didn’t win (link)
50. A book with a silhouette on the cover
51. A book with an “-ing” word in the title
52. A book related to time

Popsugar Reading Challenge – 21/50

1. A book that’s published in 2020
2. A book by a trans or nonbinary author
3. A book with a great first line
4. A book about a book club
5. A book set in a city that has hosted the Olympics
6. A bildungsroman
7. The first book you touch on a shelf with your eyes closed
8. A book with an upside-down image on the cover: Chilling Effect by Valerie Valdes
9. A book with a map
10. A book recommended by a favorite blog, vlog, podcast, or online book club
11. An anthology: Palestine +100 edited by Basma Gahlayini
12. A book that passes the Bechdel test: The Vanished Bride by Bella Ellis
13. A book with the same title as a movie or TV show but is unrelated to it: Hostage by Guy Delisle
14. A book by an author with flora or fauna in their name: A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson
15. A book about or involving social media
16. A book that has a book on the cover
17. A medical thriller: The Andromeda Strain by Michael Crichton
18. A book with a made-up language
19. A book set in a country beginning with “C”: A Darkness Absolute by Kelley Armstrong
20. A book you picked because the title caught your attention: This is How We lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar + Max Gladstone
21. A book published the month of your birthday: The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern
22. A book about or by a woman in STEM
23. A book that won an award in 2019
24. A book on a subject you know not much nothing about: The Secret Barrister: Stories of the Law and How It’s Broken by Anonymous
25. A book with only words on the cover, no images or graphics
26. A book with a pun in the title: Barking by Lucy Sullivan
27. A book featuring one of the seven deadly sins
28. A book with a robot, cyborg, or AI character: Artificial Condition by Martha Wells
29. A book with a bird on the cover: Grief Angels by David Owen
30. A fiction or nonfiction book about a world leader
31. A book with “gold,” “silver,” or “bronze” in the title: Goldilocks by Laura Lam
32. A book by a WOC: The City We Became by N.K. Jemisin
33. A book with at least a four-star rating on Goodreads: One of Us is Next by Karen M. McManus
34. A book you meant to read in 2019
35. A book with a three-word title: Come Tumbling Down by Seanan McGuire
36. A book with a pink cover: One Italian Summer by Keris Stainton
37. A Western: Upright Women Wanted by Sarah Gailey
38. A book by or about a journalist: Djinn Patrol on the Purple Line by Deepa Anappara
39. Read a frequently challenged book
40. Your favorite prompt from a past POPSUGAR Reading Challenge: In Pain by Travis Rieder
1. A book written by an author in their 20s
2. A book with “20” or “twenty” in the title
3. A book with a character with a vision impairment or enhancement (a nod to 20/20 vision)
4. A book set in the 1920s
5. A book set in Japan, host of the 2020 Olympics
6. A book by an author who has written more than 20 books
7. A book with more than 20 letters in its title
8. A book published in the 20th century
9. A book from a series with more than 20 books
10. A book with a main character in their 20s

ATY Rejects – 0/30

A book set on an island
A book with a heart on the cover or in the title
A dystopian novel
A book that has a road trip as part of the plot
A book with a weather element in the title
A book in which one of the main characters is involved in an experiment
A book related to a NASA mission name
A non-fiction book about a place
A debut novel by a person of color
A book about a weird or unusual subject
A book related to Earth Day
A story with a curse
A book from a TED summer reading list
A book set in space or about space
A travel memoir
A book from the Goodreads news section
A book recommended by an independent bookshop
A book related to Florence Nightingale
A book with a cover where the title is at an angle other than straight left-to-right
A book with an ensemble cast
A book with a cover that reminds you of the sky
A book related to a tarot card
A book with a “fiery” title
A book with a paranormal or supernatural protagonist

To celebrate PRIDE, six own voices books inspired by the colours of the rainbow:

Book Riot’s Read Harder Challenge 6/24

1. YA nonfiction book
2. Retelling of a classic of the canon, fairytale or myth by an author of colour
3. Mystery where the victim is not a woman
4. Graphic memoir: The Fire Never Goes Out: A Memoir in Pictures by Noelle Stevenson
5. About a natural disaster
6. Play by an author of colour and/or queer author
7. Historical fiction not set in WWII: The Foundling by Stacey Halls
8. Audiobook of poetry
9. The LAST book in a series
10. Takes place in a rural setting: City of the Lost by Kelley Armstrong
11. Debut novel by a queer author
12. Memoir by someone from a religious tradition that is not your own
13. Food book about a cuisine you’ve never tried before ???
14. Romance starring a single parent
15. About climate change
16. Doorstopper (over 500 pages) published after 1950, written by a woman: Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo
17. Sci-fi/fantasy novella: Artificial Condition by Martha Wells
18. Picture book with a human main character from a marginalized community
19. By or about a refugee
20. Middle grade book that doesn’t take place in the US or the UK
21. Main character or protagonist with a disability: Deathless Divide by Justina Ireland
22. Horror book published by an indie press
23. An edition of a literary magazine
24. By a Native, First Nations, or Indigenous author