Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

It’s time to share our most anticipated releases for the second half of 2021. Where did the first half go?

The Book of Form and Emptiness by Ruth Ozeki

I loved A Tale for the Time Being, so I pre-ordered this the moment it was announced.


As Good as Dead by Holly Jackson

Sniff, sniff, I’m a bit sad this will be the last outing for Pip but I suppose there’s only so many crime cases a teenage sleuth can get involved in…


A Psalm for the Wild-Built by Becky Chambers

New novella series from Becky, can’t wait!


A Master of Djinn by P. Djèlí Clark

Orbit kindly sent me a review copy of this and it’s next up in my queue. I am so ready for a full length Fatma el-Sha’arawi story. I think it’s out already in the US.


The Untold Story by Genevieve Cogman

I always look forward to my annual outing to The Invisible Library series.


The Bronzed Beasts by Roshani Chokshi

The Silvered Serpents left me hanging, I must know what happens in this final instalment.


The Last Graduate by Naomi Novik

Is the title a spoiler? Is the Scholomance going to be no more? I guess I’ll find out.


Afterlove by Tanya Byrne

I’m excited for a new book from Tanya and it sounds great; teenage reapers and a love that survives death.


A Marvellous Light by Freya Marske

Thanks Tor for the review copy, this one sounds *cough* marvellous! The following tags apply: “fantasy of very bad manners”, “gratuitous library porn” and “homicidal hedge maze”.


The Women of Troy by Pat Barker

I’m not sure if I’ve reached my limit of female-focused Greek myth retellings yet, but I loved Pat Barker’s The Silence of the Girls and I’m interested to see how this compares to Natalie Hayne’s version of events.