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Tag: holly smale

Young Adult

Forever Geek

Forever Geek is the final book in Holly Smale’s Geek Girl series and therefore this review may contain spoilers for the previous books. Harriet’s off to Australia and it’s got absolutely nothing to do with Lion Boy. He is out…

Young Adult

Geek Girl: Sunny Side Up

How did Harriet Manners – Destroyer of International Fashion Shows, Knocker-Over of Models, Sitter-Downer on Catwalks and Compiler of Compound Nouns – get selected to participate in Paris Couture Fashion Week? Yay, another Geek Girl, albeit a bite-sized novella! Sunny…

Young Adult

Head Over Heels

Head Over Heels is the fifth book in the Geek Girl series and therefore this review may contain spoilers for the previous books. Scientifically, a hill feels a lot less steep when climbed with a friend. Harriet Manners loves facts…


Quickie Review Time

It’s holiday season, so that means I’ve been reading books without the aim of having a lot to say about them. That doesn’t mean I don’t want to share a few thoughts though. There’s a tiny chance some of this…

Young Adult

Geek Girl

It takes an interaction of seventy-two different muscles to produce human speech, and right now not a single one of them is working. The last place Harriet wants to be is at Clothes Show Live. She hates fashion and is…