Today my blog has been in existence a whole two years. It feels like I’ve been blogging forever though and I can’t imagine not doing it. Even if my blog evolves over time (that’s a good thing) I hope to be here for many years to come. I hope you won’t all ditch me when Google Reader dies… In true sod’s law, my phone line has developed a massive fault which means I have no interwebs. So for my blogoversary I would like my broadband back please. Thanks in advance!

Words of Wisdom
Don’t do anything legally dodgy.
Don’t act like a sociopath.
The rest is up to you.

I don’t ever want to turn into one of those bloggers who dictates what other bloggers do. The whole point of a blog as a platform is that you aren’t bound by traditional conventions. Lets not make cookie-cutter book blogs. Be yourself, do what you want, even if it’s not what the cool kids are doing. Don’t forget it’s not a job. Don’t let publishers or authors boss you around. This is supposed to be fun.

It wouldn’t be a proper blogoversary without a little giveaway. It’s been two years so I’m giving away three books to the winner (two seemed stingy) and a runner up will receive one book. 3 – 1 = 2. It sort of makes sense! You can choose from the following books which all receive a big thumbs up from me.

Open internationally (providing The Book Depository ships to you). Prizes will be paperback editions and therefore may differ from those pictured. Entry via Rafflecopter only. Please note I do check entries and if you are found to be cheating you will have all your entries disqualified. If you don’t want to do the actions, you are better off claiming just the free entry. Also, if you are claiming entries for tweeting, make sure you’re doing so from the blog post and not from your feed reader as that will screw up the link.

a Rafflecopter giveaway