+ International Giveaway

I survived camping in Cornwall! Not only was my data signal a bit rubbish in the campsite but the USB car charger blew a fuse and we really had to ration phone useage. Which turned out to be really quite pleasant. It’s nice to get away from it all now and then. I also had a camera battery failure, so didn’t take many proper photos, but here’s a few taken around St. Agnes where we stayed. You can also view more of my photos on Instagram.

I never read as much as I imagine I will on holiday, but I got through a reasonable 9 books last month, and a few of them were long ‘uns. Whilst there were plenty of enjoyable reads, nothing was particularly stellar and there were a couple of disappointments. I did enjoy the sequel to Me Before You, although my review hasn’t made it onto the blog yet.

The winner of last month’s giveaway still hasn’t come forward. If your name is Heather and you entered last month, check your spam or get in touch so I can send you your prize (obviously I’ll need to verify your email address). If you fancy winning one of the books pictured below, keep on scrolling to enter via Rafflecopter. You don’t need to do the additional entries, but it really helps in tracking you down if you don’t get my email…

I’ll be attending GollanczFest in October, so let me know if you’re going. As it’s the same weekend as Dewey’s Readathon, this will be the first time in ages I won’t be taking part but I hope to squish in a bit of unofficial cheerleading. It’s also the Isle of Wight lit fest that weekend (I know!) but I doubt I’ll make it to anything on the island.

Here’s what made it onto the blog…

Book of the Month:
Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas


Read and awaiting review:

The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August by Claire North
After You by Jojo Moyes

Currently reading:

The Potion Diaries by Amy Alward

Blogged about:

Top Ten: Autumn TBR

Now enter the giveaway:

a Rafflecopter giveaway