Welcome to the hour 22 mini-challenge! Have you slept yet? You definitely need a little break from reading so it’s time to get drawing! Please draw me a scene or character from your current read (or any other book you’ve read during the readathon).
You can get simple drawing apps for your tablet or smartphone, or use whatever software’s on your computer. Draw on paper and take a photo or scan it in. Use whatever is nearby, even if it’s snack-based! It doesn’t have to be a masterpiece, stick figures are encouraged! Please note, I will need to see your picture if you want to enter to win a book BUT you can just join in anyway, as it’s a good break for your brain.
Leave a comment with a link to your picture here, or you can tweet or Instagram me your picture @patchworkbunny.
Of course, there’s a prize attached. Complete the challenge and you can enter to win a book of your choice up to a maximum value of £14 or $18 (on Wordery). You must be a readathon participant to enter.
The challenge runs to the end of the readathon but also feel free to use it as a “warm down” exercise. I’ll select a winner Sunday evening (UK time).
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Thank you for the mini-challenge!
Here is my awful draw, but that's my best try lol
I'm on twitter @IsiOrejas
I gave it a go. It is not pretty but I did do it. http://world4anna1.blogspot.com/2017/04/2017-april-dewey-challenges.html
I gave it a go. It is not pretty but I did do it. http://world4anna1.blogspot.com/2017/04/2017-april-dewey-challenges.html
Here's my entry: http://www.bookbunnys.com/2017/04/29/deweys-24-hour-readathon-updates-challenges/
I'm reading "Eisgesang" from Kathleen Winter right now – a book about the Nortwest Passage. Here is the direct link to the picture I draw:
Another proposal of the book I'm half way through (The enchanted):
I'm @IsiOrejas on TW