Science Fiction vs Fantasy Bingo 2018 is go!
OK you can join at any time in 2018, just add your links to books read/reviews in the linkies below and try and use the #SFvsFBingo hashtag on social media now and then. Choose a line or two or try the whole board!
Please use your own rules to determine whether a book counts as science fiction or fantasy and add the link the the appropriate linky list. Please include the book title and the square it fits with (your name or blog is optional) eg. The Explorer (Space) – Curiosity Killed the Bookworm or The Explorer by James Smythe (Space). This will help give people ideas for book to read (I hope).
At the end of the year we will see which genre has the most books read and is crowned the winner.
This is supposed to be fun so you can totally do it without linking up and don’t stress about rules and the like. You can add links to your “review” of a book on any platform providing your profile is public, eg. Goodreads, blog, Twitter, YouTube, Tumblr, Facebook page… but not your locked down Facebook profile. You don’t have to write a massive review, a tweet with the title, author and whether you liked it or not is as much welcome as an essay.
ALL BOOKS COUNT! Novels, novellas, graphic novels, comics, re-reads, picture books, as long as they vaguely fit into science fiction, fantasy, horror, speculative fiction or magical realism. Related non-fiction books are fine too!
Science Fiction Goes Here:
And Fantasy Goes Here:
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I have accidentally added Everfair to the list twice and somehow linked back to your blog instead of mine in the first link – sorry! I am not sure how I did it.
I'll see if I can go in and delete it!
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Ugh and I did Demonic twice. Oh well.