This weekend’s reverse readathon will be the first Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon run by Kate and Gabby who we are all very grateful to for taking over the reins from Andi. Unlike the regular readathons, this one runs for opposite hours, so it will be starting at 1am here. I will be happily asleep (or maybe not with this sticky heat) at the start but hope to read for most of Saturday.
OK, I added Midnight Sun to my ‘thon TBR before I got hold of my copy. Why is it so massive?! Twilight wasn’t this long, I’m sure. I thought it would be a fun quick read, but I don’t think I’d get through all of it in a day. I do plan on starting it though, I am intrigued.
I need to finish The Glass Hotel before moving onto other books though. I knew it was going to be different than Station Eleven but I’m just not that interested in the characters, maybe when the financial fraud kicks off I will be more entertained. I get the feeling it’s one of those literary books where the plot isn’t really important. I like plot.
I also have a couple of graphic novels on the pile and The Court of Miracles, just in case Midnight Sun doesn’t bite.