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Tag: 5 stars

the sweet scent of blood
5 Star, Fantasy

The Sweet Scent of Blood

Genny is sidhe, a noble fae living in London and she has a secret, well perhaps more than one. She works for Spellcrackers, a witch run organisation which helps remove spells for their clients. Genny’s fae magic means she can…

5 Star, Fantasy, Young Adult

Throne of Glass

Celaena Sardothien is condemned to a life sentence working in the salt mines of Endovier. Ardalan’s most famous assassin is a mere eighteen year old girl. Starving and beaten, she is approached by Chaol, on behalf of the Crown Prince…

5 Star, Young Adult

Pushing the Limits

Echo has no memories of the event that left her arms horribly scared. Once part of the popular crowd, she now hides away from the rumours flying around school about her. Her so-called friends think if she would only get…

5 Star, Crime Fiction


Atlanta, 1974: Amanda Wagner and Evelyn Mitchell are young, female police officers in a man’s world. A step up from secretaries, they are assigned to sex crimes and rarely see a serious case. When they are sent to Techwood Homes…

5 Star, Fantasy

The City’s Son

London City is alive. When Beth and her best friend Pen are caught spraying graffiti at their school, Pen turns Beth in. Reeling from the betrayal, Beth stumbles into another London, one where railwraiths transport memories of passengers, where the…

5 Star, Crime Fiction

Split Second

Luke Murray is minding his own business on a Manchester bus when three chavs start calling him racist names, threatening and hitting him. For fellow passenger, Emma, the situation is paralysing, naturally shy, she is scared to intervene but also…