The new novel by Lauren Beukes is highly anticipated and one of you lucky lot can win a copy to read before it’s released into the wild!

Detroit is the decaying corpse of the American Dream. Motor-city. Murder-city. And home to a killer opening doors into the dark heart of humanity.

Please note that this is a proof copy which may contain some errors/differences to the final text and must not be sold. Entry is open to European addresses and is via Rafflecopter only. I do check the entries, so no cheating. If you don’t want to do any of the extra items*, please only use the free entry otherwise you could be disqualified. If you don’t win, Broken Monsters is available to buy in the UK on 31st July 2014.

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a Rafflecopter giveaway

*If you subscribe via email, please make sure you confirm your email address. I always get lots of people only doing half the process, and sorry, but it doesn’t count. You should get an email through after subscribing, so check your spam folder if you don’t get it. If you think you’re a subscriber but don’t get regular emails from me, please go through the process again.