My lovely signed copy of False Hearts arrived at last and I urge you to get a copy too. It’s both pretty and a fantastic sci-fi novel. Needless to say I read the latest instalments of Saga straight away and a quickie review will be up soon, it’s still as good as ever. I’ve also read Things We Know by Heart already, a touching story about a girl who reaches out to the boy who receives the donated heart of her deceased boyfriend. My review will be up as part if the blog tour next month.

The last two weeks saw another red sprayed edge book, this time a very attractive proof of Caraval, which I believe is a YA circus fantasy thing. Along with Frostblood these are my first 2017 releases! In July!

And a big thank you to the lovely Other Ellie for sending me a couple of books off my wishlist. Bloggers are the best.

For Review:

Things We Know by Heart by Jessi Kirby (HarperCollins)
Breach by Olumide Popoola + Annie Holmes (Peirene Press)
Crosstalk by Connie Willis (Gollancz)
Caraval by Stephanie Garber (Hodder)*
Frostblood by Elly Blake (Hodder)*
Behind the Throne by K.B. Wagers (Orbit)*
The Ice Lands by Steinar Bragi (Pan Macmillan)*


Saga: Volume 6 by Brian K. Vaughan + Fiona Staples
False Hearts by Laura Lam
Brazilian Sketches by Rudyard Kipling


The Bookshop Book by Jen Campbell
Redshirts by John Scalzi


Zombie’s Bite by Karen Chance

*Unsolicited titles