Local start time: 13:00
Total pages: 0
Total books: 0
Starting book: Other Words for Smoke by Sarah Maria Griffin
Limber up, it’s nearly time for Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon to begin!
I’m also doing the Magical Readathon this month so I’m hoping to include some of my O.W.L.s required reading this weekend. My TBR includes graphic novels and comics to help break up the prose. My starting book isn’t even in my TBR pile as I’d hoped to have finished it by now. Follow me on Instagram for extra doggo updates.
Good luck to all participants and remember, there is no wrong way to readathon!
Opening survey:
1) What fine part of the world are you reading from today?
New Milton, on the edge of the New Forest National Park in England.
2) Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to?
Nearly every time I answer this question, I end up not reading said book, but I’m going to say The One Hundred Nights of Hero which I bought especially for readathon. I like to treat myself to a fancy graphic novel in honor of the event.
3) Which snack are you most looking forward to?
we discovered a new brand of salsa (very hard to find good ones in the UK) the other week so I’m looking forward to chips and dip!
4) Tell us a little something about yourself!
I’ve lost count of how many readathons I’ve done, this is maybe my 16th? My blog just turned 8, so that sounds about right. I am servant to a Labrador named Scully (she has a fox toy called Mulder) and test software for a living.
5) If you participated in the last read-a-thon, what’s one thing you’ll do different today?
I was co-hosting last time, so I’ll have more reading time I guess. I might do more with Instagram stories, but mostly my readathon approach is a well-oiled machine!
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Oh chips and dip sound yummy. I'm planning a walk to the store for snacks later. Adding salsa to the list now. 🙂 Have a good readathon!
We love salsa here in Texas. I decided to go decadent this time and I ended up with Easter candy. And some oranges.
Good luck with the readathon.