Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

I tried to be strict with myself last year about reading all my pre-orders and anything I requested for review. But the fact that I had more than ten “2021 releases I was excited for but didn’t read” to choose from shows that I wasn’t overly successful. I think the sock monster has started eating time too. Yeah, totally not me buying more books than I can possibly read!

So here are ten books I was excited about last year that I actually bought, but still haven’t read yet.

Blackout by Dhonielle Clayton, Tiffany D. Jackson, Nic Stone, Angie Thomas, Ashley Woodfolk + Nicola Yoon


Victories Greater Than Death by Charlie Jane Anders


Rise to the Sun by Leah Johnson


Bad Apples by Will Dean


Mrs England by Stacey Halls


The Hidden Palace by Helene Wecker


The Yearbook by Holly Bourne


Witches Steeped in Gold by Ciannon Smart


The Fell by Sarah Moss


The Book of Form and Emptiness by Ruth Ozeki


Have you read any of these? I’d love to hear your thoughts.